آیت الله علیرضا اعرافی
السلام علیکم و رحمة الله, الحمدالله رب العالمین
خیر مقدم و خوشآمد عرض می کنم به همهِی دوستان عزیزی که در این نشست علمی حضور پیدا کردند به ویژه عزیزانی که از کشورهای دیگر به قم تشریف آوردهاند. و از همهی برگزار کنندگان و ارائهدهندهی مقالات تقدیر و تشکر میکنم و امیدوارم که این نشست در ارتقاء تعلیم و تربیت در حوزهِی دوستانمان منشاء آثار و برکات باشد. و پیشاپیش فرار رسیدن ماه مبارک رمضان که ماه تربیت الهی است را به شما تبریک عرض میکنم.
مطالبی را در نظر گرفتهام که در قالب مجموعهای از نکات به محضرتان عرضه می کنم.
The Supreme Self and Real Ethics
In Aristotle’s typification of science (dianoia) and wisdom into the three divisions of theoretical, practical, and poetical, the first pertains to the macrocosm and objective world, while the second and third pertain to the microcosm and subjective world of humanity. To simplify, only the first two divisions are considered and the third, poetical wisdom, is subsumed in the second, practical wisdom. In traditional or sacred philosophy such divisions are neither separative nor equal and the classification of wisdom is always informed by unity and hierarchy. As such, theoretical wisdom is superordinate to practical wisdom and the subdivisions of both— metaphysics, mathematics, and physics in the case of the former, and ethics, domestics, and civics pertaining to the latter—are in turn hierarchically ordered. The principle and essence of the highest theoretical wisdom, metaphysics, is the Absolute—in particular Its ipseity, or the Supreme Self. The prime reality of the highest practical wisdom, ethics, is the perfected human soul, or the centred self. The fact that this latter subjective self is nothing but a manifestation or radiation of the objective supreme Self, immediately unites the multifarious divisions of wisdom into a singular totality and ensures their validity as well as their efficacy. Modernity's reduction and compartmentalization of science and knowledge ruptures the totality and endangers the higher sciences such that both metaphysics and ethics are left without substantive content and are open to a disabling relativism cum destructive nihilism.
Keywords : Aristotle’s division of science, metaphysics and ethics, philosophy of ethics, ethical relativism, supreme Self, real ethics.
Developments in Family
Values in Western Education Setting
Diverse ethnicities and multiculturalism in British schools is increasing. Promotion of equality and diversity in education has been subject of discussion and controversy since 1988 under section 28 regime. This study looks at how policies have been enforced in schools over past 30 years by the Department of Education (DfE), in view of Security Act 2015 which places a statutory duty on colleges, schools, universities to have clear polices to Promote fundamental British values and was updated in Ofsted inspection. We look at some case studies of partner organisations supporting DfE in developing policies to support equality and diversity in education.
Spiritual Moral Social and Cultural Education Infused in Day-to-Day Running of the School
This paper will focus primarily on the Spiritual but also the Moral, Social and Cultural (SMSC) elements of development which have become part of the national inspection process for schools. After analysing the concept of spirituality it will focus on and highlight features of one case study, that is of a Shia Muslim school namely Al Sadiq and Al Zahra Schools. Insights will be offered as to the care and attention to spiritual development at Al Sadiq and Al Zahra Schools which promote the teachings of the Prophet and his family the Ahlul Bayt, which is hoped will be of practical use to other secondary schools. A special focus will be looking at the impact of intra and interfaith dialogue of Al Sadiq and Al Zahra Schools and the contribution it has made to SMSC curriculum. Examples and case studies include the successful work which has been undertaken at national and strategic levels by senior teaching staff, and at local and community levels by pupils themselves. This has included the beliefs of Shi’a Islam being placed on the GCSE syllabus for RE in the UK, the individual contributions of senior staff being nationally recognised at the highest levels and work undertaken by pupils on joint projects to foster mutual understanding across other faith schools from Christian and Jewish traditions, as well as between Shi’a and Sunni denominations. This work has used the diverse contexts of sports, arts, community cohesion events, poetry and choir performance to nurture tolerance and commemorate religious events.
The Modern Approach to Tolerance and Radicalisation in Moral Education: Case Study of Prevent
The Prevent policy was introduced in the UK in 2003 as one of the four principle strands of an overall post 9/11 counter-terrorism approach (CONTEST), designed to reduce and prevent the radicalisation of individuals to terrorism by referring those at risk to a program of ‘rehabilitation’ known as Channel. In 2015, the Prevent policy became a legal duty for public sector institutions to refer those deemed to be suspect, and as such, its reach has extended much deeper into society. Since its inception, it has come under fierce opposition, with critics arguing that it will not actually prevent extremism but its clear focus on Muslims risks labelling them as a “suspect” community. This has sent a strong signal to wider society about the nature of Muslims in Britain and is influential in shaping people’s assumptions about Muslims and Islam– forming the basis of Islamophobia. The Prevent policy has been counterproductive and particularly damaging to education in its categorical error of assuming that there is a conveyer-belt process that leads from “moderate” religiosity to murderous radicalisation. And herein lies the second problem: how are we to define that extremism? In 2014, the Department for Education introduced a regulation in schools which required them to “actively promote fundamental British values (FBV) of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs”. Despite most Muslim teachers insisting that they saw no conflict between Islamic values and FBV, this article argues how FBV are implicitly defined in opposition to Islam promoting an Us-and-Them mentality. Attempts are made to examine the impact of the Prevent policy upon British Muslim communities including education and educationalists and ultimately the sense of personal and national identities as British Muslims.
Challenges and opportunities of moral education in Home-schooling model
Homeschooling, a phenomenon that is increasingly widespread in the Western world. This article explores various homeschooling models, trends and factors behind motivation of parents for homeschooling. This study investigates challenges faced by parents, fundamentally operational and social pressures. Survey from both religious and secular homeschooling groups is analysed and compared. The findings from this research conclude on how moral values is the single most common criteria in choosing homeschooling over state school system.
- Critical analysis on Sunday School Approach to Character Education with an Emphasis on Muslim Sunday Schools in the UK.
In this study we will look at the origin of the Christian Sunday school in England before moving to a survey of the current map of Islamic Sunday school. The objective would be to underline the necessity of change in the educational system of current Sunday school and to propose a viable alternative based on the latest developments in character education teaching system.
Reviewing critically the function and performance of the main models in Muslims Sunday schools in the West, the current teaching methods and curriculum approach of the Sunday schools would be highlighted. We would also discuss the new developments in the different teaching methodologies which are playing a pivotal role in bringing the positive change in the character education. The new holistic, integrated and interactive approach adopted by some of the Sunday schools would be analysed in detail.
برنامه روز سوم همایش تعلیم و تربیت مبتنی بر ارزشها:
صبح (8 الی 12)
با ارائه: دکتر نوذریAzhar Raza، Bilal Rizvi، Safina Saadat ، Aliya Azam و دکتر لطیفی
عصر (15 الی 16:30)
با ارائه: مهندس نوید و Asma Hussein
ساعت 16:30:
اختتامیه همایش با سخنرانی آیت الله اعرافی