Critical analysis on Sunday School Approach to Character Education with an Emphasis on Muslim Sunday Schools in the UK.
Critical analysis on Sunday School Approach to Character Education with an Emphasis on Muslim Sunday Schools in the UK.
In this study we will look at the origin of the Christian Sunday school in England before moving to a survey of the current map of Islamic Sunday school. The objective would be to underline the necessity of change in the educational system of current Sunday school and to propose a viable alternative based on the latest developments in character education teaching system.
Reviewing critically the function and performance of the main models in Muslims Sunday schools in the West, the current teaching methods and curriculum approach of the Sunday schools would be highlighted. We would also discuss the new developments in the different teaching methodologies which are playing a pivotal role in bringing the positive change in the character education. The new holistic, integrated and interactive approach adopted by some of the Sunday schools would be analysed in detail.