بایگانی ارديبهشت ۱۳۹۷ :: تعلیم وتربیت مبتنی بر ارزش‌ها

تعلیم وتربیت مبتنی بر ارزش‌ها

values-based Education: Contemporary Trends & Islamic Perspectives

تعلیم وتربیت مبتنی بر ارزش‌ها

values-based Education: Contemporary Trends & Islamic Perspectives

تعلیم وتربیت مبتنی بر ارزش‌ها

پایگاه اطلاع رسانی اولین همایش بین المللی
تعلیم و تربیت مبتنی بر ارزش‌ها:
گرایش‌های معاصر و چشم‌اندازهای اسلامی


۴۵ مطلب در ارديبهشت ۱۳۹۷ ثبت شده است

Critical analysis on Sunday School Approach to Character Education with an Emphasis on Muslim Sunday Schools in the UK.
In this study we will look at the origin of the Christian Sunday school in England before moving to a survey of the current map of Islamic Sunday school. The objective would be to underline the necessity of change in the educational system of current Sunday school and to propose a viable alternative based on the latest developments in character education teaching system.
Reviewing critically the function and performance of the main models in Muslims Sunday schools in the West, the current teaching methods and curriculum approach of the Sunday schools would be highlighted. We would also discuss the new developments in the different teaching methodologies which are playing a pivotal role in bringing the positive change in the character education. The new holistic, integrated and interactive approach adopted by some of the Sunday schools would be analysed in detail.

۰ نظر موافقین ۰ مخالفین ۰ ۲۱ ارديبهشت ۹۷ ، ۱۹:۵۸

Modern Developments in Family Values in Western Education Setting
Diverse ethnicities and multiculturalism in British schools is increasing. Promotion of equality and diversity in education has been subject of discussion and controversy since 1988 under section 28 regime. This study looks at how policies have been enforced in schools over past 30 years by the Department of Education (DfE), in view of Security Act 2015 which places a statutory duty on colleges, schools, universities to have clear polices to Promote fundamental British values and was updated in Ofsted inspection. We look at some case studies of partner organisations supporting DfE in developing policies to support equality and diversity in education.

۱ نظر موافقین ۰ مخالفین ۰ ۲۱ ارديبهشت ۹۷ ، ۱۹:۵۲

Spiritual Moral Social and Cultural Education Infused in Day-to-Day Running of the School
This paper will focus primarily on the Spiritual but also the Moral, Social and Cultural (SMSC) elements of development which have become part of the national inspection process for schools. After analysing the concept of spirituality it will focus on and highlight features of one case study, that is of a Shia Muslim school namely Al Sadiq and Al Zahra Schools. Insights will be offered as to the care and attention to spiritual development at Al Sadiq and Al Zahra Schools which promote the teachings of the Prophet and his family the Ahlul Bayt, which is hoped will be of practical use to other secondary schools. A special focus will be looking at the impact of intra and interfaith dialogue of Al Sadiq and Al Zahra Schools and the contribution it has made to SMSC curriculum. Examples and case studies include the successful work which has been undertaken at national and strategic levels by senior teaching staff, and at local and community levels by pupils themselves. This has included the beliefs of Shi’a Islam being placed on the GCSE syllabus for RE in the UK, the individual contributions of senior staff being nationally recognised at the highest levels and work undertaken by pupils on joint projects to foster mutual understanding across other faith schools from Christian and Jewish traditions, as well as between Shi’a and Sunni denominations. This work has used the diverse contexts of sports, arts, community cohesion events, poetry and choir performance to nurture tolerance and commemorate religious events. 

۰ نظر موافقین ۰ مخالفین ۰ ۲۱ ارديبهشت ۹۷ ، ۱۹:۴۶

How to Relate Theory to Practice in Moral Education? A Response from Islamic Philosophy

The so called problem of "the gap between theory and practice" seems to be as one of the challenging problems for teachers and educators nowadays. However, it is perhaps surprising to know that this problem became challenging only from a special point of departure in the history of modern education and based on a special understanding of the nature of educational theory, i.e. the scientific-theoretical approach to educational theory (which is sometimes called 'the Anglo-American tradition in educational science' as well).
This short presentation comprises of three parts. As an introduction, the first part concentrates on a brief historical overview of the problem and its institutional manifestation: the challenge between universities and teacher training colleges. The second part presents the theoretical formulation of the problem and reviews the answers given to it and their practical implications very briefly. At the end, relying on some remarks and analyses from Islamic philosophers about "practical wisdom", "thinking about the particular" (al-tarawwi) and "moral recognition", a solution for the problem will be proposed and practical insights and guidelines will be discussed in more detail. 

۰ نظر موافقین ۰ مخالفین ۰ ۲۱ ارديبهشت ۹۷ ، ۱۹:۴۱

Metaphysics and Character Education; Towards a New Model Based on Primordial Morality  Metaphysics and Character Education; Towards a New Model Based on Primordial Morality  

In the 21st century the world has been embraced by most as a global community. Although humanism has had a long journey, many people would think that perhaps the 1948 declaration of human rights has been the best contribution that can promote equality, fairness and human dignity, and they would consider liberal democracy to be the best system. The above claims are made regardless of the disparity and economic divide which is continuing to grow in the world. More than two thirds of the world’s population suffers from poverty and illiteracy.  Whether in theocracy, dictatorship, democracy or any other governmental systems, the unprivileged are neither treated with fairness nor dignity.
Retrospectively, Humanism has made a long journey. In this great journey we have had great thinkers like Socrates, Plato and in particular, Aristotle, with his theory of virtue ethics, who have taught us novel ideas about how to enrich humanism. Further modern contributions include Kant, in particular, with his Deontic Ethics. But man have evidently moved on from the ideals provided by such ethical theories: perhaps he conceives of himself as evolved. Many other ethical theories have been produced since the time of those thinkers including utilitarianism and consequentialism. Such moral theories were developed in the wake of intellectual ideas such scientism, enlightenment, romanticism, evolutionism and existentialism. As a result we witnessed the emergence of radical literalist religious interpretations, militant secularist humanism and various forms of rampant relativism. The question is what we should do as decent human beings with regards to the state of the world at present. Can and should we all live together? Is the coexistence of all such extreme polarities possible, and if so, would it be desirable? My aim in this paper is to try to provide some answers to the above questions. I approach these questions from a particular point of view which I call a non relative primordial morality and non relative humanism. This approach heavily relies on Aristotle's virtue ethics. The upshot of the arguments of my dissertation is that to make the present world a better place for all, we need to instil an appreciation of moral virtues in all individuals specifically children. 

In the 21st century the world has been embraced by most as a global community. Although humanism has had a long journey, many people would think that perhaps the 1948 declaration of human rights has been the best contribution that can promote equality, fairness and human dignity, and they would consider liberal democracy to be the best system. The above claims are made regardless of the disparity and economic divide which is continuing to grow in the world. More than two thirds of the world’s population suffers from poverty and illiteracy.  Whether in theocracy, dictatorship, democracy or any other governmental systems, the unprivileged are neither treated with fairness nor dignity.
Retrospectively, Humanism has made a long journey. In this great journey we have had great thinkers like Socrates, Plato and in particular, Aristotle, with his theory of virtue ethics, who have taught us novel ideas about how to enrich humanism. Further modern contributions include Kant, in particular, with his Deontic Ethics. But man have evidently moved on from the ideals provided by such ethical theories: perhaps he conceives of himself as evolved. Many other ethical theories have been produced since the time of those thinkers including utilitarianism and consequentialism. Such moral theories were developed in the wake of intellectual ideas such scientism, enlightenment, romanticism, evolutionism and existentialism. As a result we witnessed the emergence of radical literalist religious interpretations, militant secularist humanism and various forms of rampant relativism. The question is what we should do as decent human beings with regards to the state of the world at present. Can and should we all live together? Is the coexistence of all such extreme polarities possible, and if so, would it be desirable? My aim in this paper is to try to provide some answers to the above questions. I approach these questions from a particular point of view which I call a non relative primordial morality and non relative humanism. This approach heavily relies on Aristotle's virtue ethics. The upshot of the arguments of my dissertation is that to make the present world a better place for all, we need to instil an appreciation of moral virtues in all individuals specifically children. 

۰ نظر موافقین ۰ مخالفین ۰ ۲۱ ارديبهشت ۹۷ ، ۱۹:۳۷

This study presents an analytical investigation of the role of moral development and human character in self-realization from the point of view of `Allama Tabataba’i a renowned Muslim philosopher, (from now on ‘Allama). The research toches upon an Islamic perception of self-realization represented by `Allama. The latter is seen as typical of Islamic Shi`i thinking. The intention in this study is to focus on moral development as a significant aspect of the human self, to rediscover and determine the wisdom behind self-realization from `Allama’s perspective.
The term “moral” is an adjective comparable to “ethical, virtuous, righteous, noble” that means “conforming to a standard of what is right and good”. Within the range of terms, “moral” is “the most comprehensive term ... in all of its pertinent senses it implies a relationship to character or conduct viewed as good or bad or as right or wrong.” The sense of human character and its conformity “to the accepted standard” is strongly implied in all features and applications of morality. This standard determines the rightness or goodness of human conduct. With this in the mind, I embark on my studies of morality in order to survey the extent to which one could place emphasis on its instrumentality for self-realization.
From ‘Allama’s perspective, morality is a crucial vehicle if it is not the most refined means of self-realization. In one respect, self-realization has to do with human conduct and implies a relationship to human moral character. In fact, self-realization is a twin process that on the one hand, deals with the theoretical or ideological accept of human life and, on the other, concerns moral practice and practical conduct. Morality may be the most direct and closest avenue to the actualization of the self. It will be pointed out that a concept such as self-actualization can be a subject matter of the moral and ethical domain or applicable therein. This study is to elaborate the essential elements and principles of moral character development in the way that could lead to self-realization. This conceptualization of morality and its relation to self-realization on its part could work as the closest way for moral character development.
Key Words: moral and morality, moral experience, self-realization, moral development, ‘Allama’s perspective

۰ نظر موافقین ۰ مخالفین ۰ ۲۱ ارديبهشت ۹۷ ، ۱۹:۳۲

Having in mind the pedagogy of hope, in this paper I have endeavoured to discover snaps of Fatimi paradigm in the realm of values education. Qualitative research & content analysis of the holy Qur'an and Islamic narrations stand as my research methodology for the above-mentioned topic. My research focus has targeted the special case of Hasanain in terms of values education. The Islamic value of maternity, psychology of colours in values education, values education in the field of emotional and affective training, hidden curriculum, nutrition, parental justification, appreciating good characters in children, habituating children into discipline & taking turns, fair and value judgements among children, values education through practice, and creating commitment to Tasbih Fatimah are few aspects which are touched upon in this research project. In my further investigations, I hope to explore more dimensions of Fatimi values education. I assume that this paper could stand as an avenue into new horizons of Fatimi values education.

Key Terms: Fatimi values education, values education through hidden curriculum, values education through practice, Tasbih Fatimah  

Having in mind the pedagogy of hope, in this paper I have endeavoured to discover snaps of Fatimi paradigm in the realm of values education. Qualitative research & content analysis of the holy Qur'an and Islamic narrations stand as my research methodology for the above-mentioned topic. My research focus has targeted the special case of Hasanain in terms of values education. The Islamic value of maternity, psychology of colours in values education, values education in the field of emotional and affective training, hidden curriculum, nutrition, parental justification, appreciating good characters in children, habituating children into discipline & taking turns, fair and value judgements among children, values education through practice, and creating commitment to Tasbih Fatimah are few aspects which are touched upon in this research project. In my further investigations, I hope to explore more dimensions of Fatimi values education. I assume that this paper could stand as an avenue into new horizons of Fatimi values education.
Key Terms: Fatimi values education, values education through hidden curriculum, values education through practice, Tasbih Fatimah  

۰ نظر موافقین ۰ مخالفین ۰ ۲۱ ارديبهشت ۹۷ ، ۱۹:۲۵

علی لطیفی

۰ نظر موافقین ۰ مخالفین ۰ ۱۹ ارديبهشت ۹۷ ، ۱۵:۲۳

رزومه سرکار خانم استاد فریبا علاسوند

مقطع تحصیلی:  سطح 4 فقه و اصول

پست الکترونیک: alasvand@wrc.ir

 سوابق تحصیلی


ـ سطح 2، جامعة الزهرا (س)، 1368

ـ سطح 3، جامعة الزهرا (س)، 1373

ـ سطح 4 فقه و اصول، جامعة الزهرا (س)، 1392


سوابق اجرایی

ـ عضو شورای فرهنگی اجتماعی زنان، تهران از سال 1376 تاکنون

ـ هیئت علمی مرکز تحقیقات زن و خانواده، قم از سال 1381 تاکنون

ـ عضو شورای سیاست‌گذاری حوزه‌های علمیه خواهران، قم


سوابق پژوهشی

تهیه سند حقوقی میثاق حقوق و مسئولیت‌های زنان در کشور‌های اسلامی عضوOIC

سن بلوغ دختران، شورای فرهنگی اجتماعی زنان ،  قم ،1375 به زبان عربی

نسبت میان زن و مرد ـ جایگاه انسانی و ارزشی زنان، پژوهشگاه فرهنگ و اندیشه اسلامی 1385

ریشه‌های سوفیستی اومانیسم، دفتر‌مطالعات زنان، 1386، قم

ماهیت طلاق خلع،  به سفارش شورای فرهنگی اجتماعی زنان 1376

حق حضانت، جامعة الزهراء، 1383، قم.

عقلانیت پست مدرن، دفتر مطالعات زنان، 1386، قم

هویت و نقش‌های جنسیتی، در کتاب مجموعه مقالات هویت و نقش‌های جنسیتی به چاپ رسیده است.

ماهیت و کارکرد قانون،

سیره خانه‌داری حضرت زهرا سلام الله علیها ، پژوهشگاه فرهنگ و اندیشه، 1384ـ1385 در دانش‌نامه فرهنگ فاطمی به چاپ رسیده است.

حیطه شناسی قاعده لاضرر در قانونگذاری در دست چاپ

بررسی دو واژه «مغایرت» و «موازین شرعی» در قانون اساسی با تطبیق بر قوانین خانواده

ضرورت‌گاه‌های دخالت قوانین حکومتی درباره خانواده

۰ نظر موافقین ۰ مخالفین ۰ ۱۹ ارديبهشت ۹۷ ، ۱۵:۲۰

دکتر جمیله علم الهدی دارای مدرک دکتری فلسفه تعلیم و تربیت اسلامی از دانشگاه تربیت مدرس و عضو هیأت علمی دانشکده علوم تربیتی و روانشناسی دانشگاه شهید بهشتی است که سابقه تدریس در دانشگاه های شهید بهشتی، امام صادق (علیه السلام)، علامه طباطبائی و تربیت معلم و عناوینی چون مدیر پژوهشی برگزیده در سال ۱۳۸۷،


مؤلف پایان نامه برتر در سال ۱۳۸۲ با عنوان «تبیین ماهیت تعلیم و تربیت اسلامی و دلالت های آن در برنامه درسی (رساله دکتری)»، مدیر مؤسسه پژوهشی برتر در سال ۱۳۸۸ (جشنواره فارابی)، مجری اصلی طرح پژوهشی برتر استان تهران در سال ۱۳۸۸ با عنوان فلسفه تعلیم و تربیت رسمی از دیدگاه اسلامی و نویسنده کتاب برگزیده سال ۱۳۸۸ وزارت فرهنگ و ارشاد اسلامی با عنوان «نظریه اسلامی تعلیم و تربیت» را در سوابق آموزشی و پژوهشی خود دارد.




مقالات علمی چاپ شده در مجلات


1. D. Tahmasebzadeh sheykhlar, J. Alamolhoda, M. Arefi, H. Nadimi, "Explanations of importance of aesthetic education in irans curriculum" , European Academic Research, Vol.2, pp.8339-8363, 2014.
2. ج. علم الهدی, م. مهوش, "بررسی عوامل موثر در شکل گیری سبک های فرزندپروری درخانواده های شهرستان اندیمشک" , علوم تربیتی از دیدگاه اسلام, نسخه 6, صفحات:5-25, 1395.
3. ج. علم الهدی, "نقش علوم انسانی در توسعه عرفی گرایی" , راهبرد فرهنگ, صفحات:99-124, 1394.
4. ج. علم الهدی, ز. خاکسار, "بررسی تاثیر آموزش فعال بر خودانگیختگی دانش آموزان نسبت به نماز" , تربیت اسلامی, نسخه 10, صفحات:85-109, 1394.
5. س. آقایی, ا. زاهدی, ج. علم الهدی, "شناسایی دلالت های شبکه مفهومی زیبایی در قرآن کریم برای حیطه هدف گذاری برنامه ریزی درسی" , تربیت اسلامی, نسخه 9, صفحات:7-29, 1393.
6. س. ضرغامی, ج. علم الهدی, "امکان سنجی نظری برای آموزش جهانی" , پژوهش در مسائل تعلیم و تربیت, نسخه 2, صفحات:249-271, 1392.
7. ج. علم الهدی, "تجارب دانشجویان دکتری ریاضی از تاثیر تربیتی استاد راهنما در توسعه دانش تدریس" , پژوهش در برنامه ریزی درسی, نسخه 2, صفحات:1-15, 1391.
8. ج. علم الهدی, "ضرورت باز تعریف نقش عقل برای تحول در نظام آموزشی" , فصلنامه راهبرد فرهنگ, نسخه 5, صفحات:205-242, 1391.
9. ج. علم الهدی, "ضرورت باز تعریف نقش عقل در نظام آموزشی" , فصلنامه راهبرد فرهنگ, نسخه 1390, صفحات:0-0, 1391.
10. م. جیریایی شراهی, ج. علم الهدی, "ملاحظات جنسیتی در برنامه ریزی آموزشی با تاکید برآموزه های قرآنی با محوریت تفسیر المیزان" , تربیت اسلامی, صفحات:51-76, 1391.
11. ع. خاکباز , ج. علم الهدی, ن. موسی پور , ا. بابلیان, "کالبد شکافی دانش محتوایی - تربیتی به عنوان نوعی دانش میان رشته ای برای تدریس دانشگاهی" , مطالعات میان رشته ای در علوم انسانی, نسخه 4, صفحات:129-160, 1390.
12. ج. علم الهدی, "تقلیل عقل و ضرورت تعقل همراه با تزکیه" , ماهنامه فرهنگی تحلیلی سوره اندیشه, صفحات:143-143, 1390.
13. ج. علم الهدی, "جنسیت با نگاه به برنامه های درسی پنهان در آموزش های مجازی ایران جنسیت به عنوان عامل فرهنگی - اجتماعی" , مطالعات برنامه درسی آموزش عالی, نسخه 1, صفحات:134-152, 1389.
14. ج. علم الهدی, "مناسبات تربیتی خانواده و دولت" , فصلنامه خانواده پژوهی, نسخه 5, 1388.
15. ج. علم الهدی, ب. صالح صدیق پور, ف. بلاش, م. عارفی, "بررسی تاثیر به کارگیری فاوا بر نگرش اخلاقی دانش آموزان دوره راهنمایی" , فصلنامه مطالعات برنامه درسی, نسخه 3, 1388.
16. ج. علم الهدی, "عشق به عنوان برنامه درسی پوچ" , فصلنامه مطالعات برنامه درسی, نسخه 3, 1387.
17. ج. علم الهدی, "چرخش از عالم دوقطبی به جهان سه درجه ای" , نوآوریهای آموزشی - وزارت آموزش و پرورش, نسخه 6, صفحات:149-176, 1386.
18. ج. علم الهدی, "چرخش از علم دو قطبی به جهان سه درجه ای" , مجله نوآوری های آموزشی, 1386.
19. ج. علم الهدی, "درآمدی به مبانی اسلامی روش تحقیق" , نوآوریهای آموزشی - وزارت آموزش و پرورش, نسخه 6, صفحات:173-274, 1386.
20. ج. علم الهدی, "چیستی هویت" , فصلنامه پژوهش در مسائل تعلیم و تربیت اسلامی(دانشگاه امام حسین (ع), نسخه 25-24, صفحات:33-66, 1385.
21. ج. علم الهدی, "کارکرد تعلیم و تربیت در گسترش تجددگرایی در ایران" , نسخه -, صفحات:29-57, 1384.
22. ج. علم الهدی, "مبانی تلفیق برنامه درسی در فلسفه صدرالمتالهین" , 1384.
23. ج. علم الهدی, "مبنای نظری تلفیق برنامه درسی بر اساس حکمت متعالیه" , بوستان ادب(مجله علوم اجتماعی و انسانی ) دانشگاه شیراز, نسخه 22, 1384.
24. ج. علم الهدی, "جریان شناسی تربیتی ایران" , 1382.
25. ج. علم الهدی, "جریان های فکری تاثیرگذار در تعلیم و تربیت معاصر ایران" , صفحات:109-132, 1381.
26. ج. علم الهدی, "ضرورت تبیین ماهیت تربیت دینی" , فصلنام حوزه و دانشگاه, 1381.
27. ج. علم الهدی, "تاثیر مسیحیت بر تعلیم و تربیت در غرب" , کیهان فرهنگی, 1378.




کتاب های تالیفی و تصنیفی


1. "اندیشه های راهبردی زن و خانواده جلد دوم", تهران, 1391, شابک:9789641522379.
2. "اندیشه های راهبردی زن و خانواده", تهران, 1391, شابک:978964152236-2.
3. "نظریه اسلامی تعلیم و تربیت", تهران, 1391, شابک:9789647746892.
4. "آسیب شناسی نظام آموزشی از دیدگاه جنسیتی", قم, 1390, شابک:978964411669-8.
5. "آموزه کتاب یازدهم :تشیع و مدرنیته در ایران معاصر", موسسه آموزشی و پژوهشی امام خمینی, تهران, 1387, شابک:978-964-411-351.
6. "بررسی مبانی نظری آموزش جهانی", تهران, 1386.
7. "مطالعه تطبیقی دیدگاه مولانا و یاسپرس", عابد, تهران, 1386.
8. "نقش جریان روشنفکری در سکولاریسم تربیتی", تهران, 1386.
9. "تاثیر جریان روشنفکری در سکولاریسم تربیتی ایران", پژوهشگاه اندیشه معاصر, تهران, 1385.
10. "مبانی فلسفی نهضت تربیتی امام خمینی (طردسوبژکتیویسم و دوالیسم)", بنیاد حفظ و نشر آثار امام خمینی, تهران, 1385.
11. "مبانی تربیت اسلامی و برنامه ریزی درسی", تهران, 1384.
12. "مبانی فلسفی نهضت تربیتی امام خمینی (طردسوبژکتیویسم و دوالیسم)", نشر آثار امام خمینی, تهران, 1382.
13. "تاثیر جریان روشنفکری در سکولاریسم تربیتی ایران", پژوهشگاه اندیشه معاصر, تهران, 1381.



۰ نظر موافقین ۰ مخالفین ۰ ۱۹ ارديبهشت ۹۷ ، ۱۵:۰۲